2025 Sale Dates
- June 6-7
- June 27-28
- July 25-26
- August 29-30 Red Birds
- September 26-27 Red Birds
Birds are sold whole with neck on, bagged and labeled with package weight.
Average weight is 4-5 pounds with a range between 3-6+ pounds. Birds are chosen by you at pick-up, so the exact price of each of your birds is not known until you pick them up.
Early Order pricing is for White Birds - June, and the two July Dates; if ordered by April 30. Payment methods include Check, Cash, Venmo. We do not accept cards.
Early Order White Birds
Red & Late White Birds*
3 lbs
4 lbs
5 lbs
6 lb
* 'Late White' is birds ordered after April 30.
If you do order birds, please sign up for our Newsletter (bottom of this (or any) page), if you are a new customer. This way you can be assured to receive any updates about your order. It is helpful for us to have at least a First Name, along with your email address.
Giblets Sold Separately:
- Liver: $8/ 1-2 pound bag
- Hearts: $5/ 1-2 pound bag
- Unpeeled Gizzards: $4/ 1-2 pound bag
- Feet: $5/bag of 8 feet or bulk orders $2.50/lb
- Fabulous (and crazy-easy) Chicken Liver Pate' Recipe
How/When/Where do I get the chicken that I ordered?
-> Chicken is purchased on a pre-order basis and will be available on sale dates, as noted above. Informational email reminder/updates are provided for each date. Pick-up times are between 4-6 p.m.on Friday & Saturday at The Outpost at the Dairy Barn, unless other arrangements have been made.
-> If you do not pick-up and no prior arrangements have been made, we reserve the right to freeze and/or sell the ordered birds, but we really prefer to hear from you before it comes to that 😊
-> Our pastured chicken is certified organic by NOFA-NY Certified organic, LLC.
What do you mean by 'pastured'?
We brood the chicks indoors for 2-3 weeks, and then put them out on pasture in floorless cages which provide access to pasture, and which are moved twice daily for the next week or so.
For the final 3-4 weeks, the chickens are mature enough to roam freely in a large, electrified netting with moveable shelter to protect them from the weather.
Pasture provides, among other things, chlorophyll from the green grass. Chlorophyll is a wonderful, natural de-toxifier. Yellow fat on poultry and beef, deep orange egg yolks, and naturally yellow butter all reflect high levels of chlorophyll in the diet. Chicken is a seasonal item on our farm precisely because they are raised on pasture. One group/month from June thru October.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept cash, check, and Venmo.
Is your chicken available any place else?
We can only sell from the farm, but we've been known to deliver frozen birds to Syracuse, as there are usually trips there 1-2/times per week. If this option interests you, please get in touch so that we can figure out a mutually agreeable time.
How much will my chicken weigh? Can I get a specific weight?
Average weight is 4.5 - 5 pounds with a range between 3-6+ pounds. Since you choose from the birds that are available, the exact price won't be known until you choose your bird(s). Birds are sold whole, with neck on.
What happens if I forget to pick up my order?
Please make sure that your order dates are in your phone or on your wall calendar - with a reminder set. We have a substantial amount of time and money invested in each group of birds and count on that date for cash flow and budgeting. No-shows cost time and money. We understand that circumstances change, and if you cannot pick up your birds on the scheduled sale dates, please make arrangements with us ahead of time to let us know. We are happy to work with you on this.
Where are you located?
GOOGLE ADDRESS is Cobblestone Valley Farm. Other GPS is 6609 Rt. 11 Homer NY, which seem to have a problem with our location. Best to use Google if at all possible.
If you do forget to pick up your birds, please get in touch with Maureen ASAP - Contact Us Here.
If you decide that you don't want your order, it is very helpful for us to know this in advance. If we don't hear about cancellations until after the fact, it leaves us in a bit of a bind.
What is your minimum order?
You can order as few or as many as you'd like. The minimum order is one bird.
Can you cut my chicken up for me?
Birds are sold whole, with neck on and no giblets. We do not have the facilities to cut up chicken; but would be happy to show you how.
CVF Poultry Facts:
* Certified Organic by NOFA-NY Certified Organic, LLC
* Environmentally responsible agriculture
* As with all certified organic products - No antibiotics, GMO's, or hormones
* Rich, delicious taste and texture
* Humanely raised on grass, sunshine and fresh air
* Carefully hand eviscerated, right here on the farm
* No chlorine baths or irradiation
* You may inspect the chickens at any time